名 称 九 十九サイクルスポーツ
Tsukumo Cycle Sports
 代 表 田 辺昭夫
Akio Tanabe
 所在地 〒 152-0002 東京都目黒区目黒本町1-16-21
1-16-21 Meguro-Honcho, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo, 152-0002 JAPAN
 業務内容 オ リジナルブランド「カラビンカ」レーシングフレーム(トラック・ロード)・ラグ・ハンガーシェル・エンドなどの製作。

TEL/FAX 03-3710-1435

迦陵頻迦(Ka-Ryou-Bin-Ga, Japanese. Kalavinka, Sanskrit.)
かりょうびんが/1.(梵kalavinkaの音訳。「頻伽」などと略称。「好声」と訳する)仏語。極楽浄土にいるという鳥。顔は美 女のようで、その声が非常に美しいところから、仏の声を形容するのに用いられる。伽鳥。かりょうびん。2.美しい芸者または花魁(お いらん)。また、美声の芸妓にもいう。
Kokugo Dai Jiten Dictionary. Shinsou-ban (Revised edition) (C) Shogakukan 1988/国語大辞典(新装版)(C)小学館 1988

In Sanskrit, it is called 'Kalavinka'.
In Japanese, it is called 'Ka-Ryou-Bin-Ga'. Originally a sparrow-like bird that lived in the snowy mountains of the Himalaya range, reputed to possess a melodious voice. Later sutras state that it lived in the paradise gokuraku of Amida Buddha. In pictorial representations, the karyoubinga has the head of a bodhisattva bosatsu and the winged body of a bird. Its tail resembles the tail of a phoenix houou. Typically it holds a musical instrument. In Japanese art, the karyoubinga is found in a variety of forms: cast in low-relief on pendant discs, keman used for architectural decoration, printed on priest's robes; painted on ceiling and wall panels, or on paintings of Pure Land paradise joudo hensou. It is sometimes associated with Garuda, the Hindu bird deity and vehicle of Siva which was adopted into Buddhist lore.

ヘッ ドバッジ
Head Badge
江 戸鷹 千社札
The Senja-Fuda

Senjafuda (also referred to as Senshafuda) is a card or slip stuck to shrines and temples on which visitor's name is printed as a memorial of the visit.
Edo is old name of Tokyo.

Tsukumo Cycle Sports | 1-16-21 Meguro-honcho, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-0002, Japan | kalavinka.bikes@gmail.com